Rearrange existing PDF documents
PDF document in individual pages
Split PDF document into front pages/back pages
Extract specific PDF pages
Extract specific PDF front/back pages
Composition of multiple PDF documents
Combine PDF documents
Scale PDF document
Duplicate PDF document on print sheet
Change existing PDF documents
Create multi-page mail merge
Resort PDF documents
Example – Extract specific PDF pages
Select a PDF file with the mouse and specify a list of page numbers (1,5,74,100-123,150,151). Remove the pages specified, e.g. for reprinting or separate color printing of certain pages.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<prompt>Seiten entnehmen (z.B. 1,2,3-10,11,13)</prompt>
<eval variable="outFile" expression="filecutending({inFile})+'_extrakt.pdf'" />
<iterate file="{inputFile}" variable="inPdf">
<append condition="({inPdf.pagenr} isin {inPages})">
<template file="{inFile}" pagenr="{inPdf.pagenr}"/>
<output file="{outFile}" />
Open selection window
Description field
Select a file
Only allow PDF files
Remember selected file name
Description input field
Specify page numbers
Remember page numbers as a list
Output file consists of the extended name of the input file
Cycle through all pages of the PDF file
Was the current page specified?
append the current page
End of program loop